Untitled Final Majot Project

A man who fought against nothing

A man who believed he did nothing,

A man who could do nothing else


The Meeting

two figures a monk and a traveler were making there way through a lush forest surrounded by orniments and statues


I have been on this path for more than a few days now...ill tell you it feels longer...

I have been searching for something....

something that I cannot explain let alone find...

I was told by this Monk from a local village that there was a person who lived atop of these mountains

a person who I was told can help me

I dont know what ill find at the top of the mountain

I dont know if ill find any answers or just more questions...

The monk stops at a shrine gate

Monk: "this is as far as I can go"

the travelver looks up at the giant stairs leading up into the mountains

Monk: "if you start climbing now you should make it before sunset"

travelver "thank you for your troubles, I am very greatful"

the monk bows and so does the traveler

monk: "be weary traveler in those mountains you may just find what you are looking for"

the traveler stands there for a moument

Monk: "farwel travelver, I pray for your safe journey"


the monk leaves the traveler as he starts to scale the mountain

Traveler: "Hello? is anybody in there"


how long has it been?

sinse I have been like this?

forever wandering the earth...

in search for what exactly?

what am I looking for?

I think about what this is all for...and the funny thing about it is that...

I could answer myself...

the traveler scaled the mountain and came across a small stone hut

he approaches the hut, he stands by idiley as if he were waiting for something to happen

traveler: "hello?"


Travelver: "I was sent by the monk..I.."

he sares at the etrance

Traveler: "im..im coming in"

he enters the shrine

Gypse: "welcome...travelver"

Traveler: "im sorry for the intrucion...I was sent here by the monk of the village..I"

Gypse: "sit traveler sit..."

the traveler sits down


Gypse: "what is it you seek traveler?

Travelver: "I seek...I seek knoledge"

Gypse: "knoledge you say? ...knoledge...hmm"


Gypse: "A person without knowledge the knoledge of the past history is like a tree without roots...do you have roots travelver?"


Traveler: "roots? I wouldnt think so no..."


Gypse: "then you are without knoledge"


Traveler: "I..uh"


Gypse: "I want you to pick four cards from my hand and I will present them before you travelver..."


the traveler picks the cards


Gypse: "thats it one by one...good"


the traveler picks the cards and looks at what is presented before him


Gypse: "Human behavior flows from three main sources desire, emotion, and knowledge... now lets see what the cards can tell us about you..."


the gypse reveasl the first card it is the card of the creator


Gypse: "ahhh! the creator...the first card for you traveler is the creator"


Traveler: "the creator?"


The Creator/Leonardo da vinci

Gypse: "the story of the creator is a tale filled with inner conflict and expression, this story starts with a child..."

The bastard child was born from weadlock by his father and their familys house maid

the child being known as an illagitimate heir to the family he could not inheret his fathers property or power his status as bastard limited his career path not being able to become a banker or a doctor that would of been expected of him if he were legitimate, the only thing for him was art.

and the boy excelled in this subject his father noticed his talent and decided to send him to become a apprentice to one of florences most prestigious of masters in that era and he became an apprentace to verrichio and spent 10 years at Verrocchio's workshop to perfect the many skills and tricks it took to be a master of the arts.

The man became a master of the arts and left the workshop to persue his own goal to make his dreams come true...

he dreamed and developed many wonderful and advanced technology he truly was a superior being in intelect for a man from that time...a true pioneer of knoledge...a true master.

but with every man time caught up to him...


leonardo: " I have offended God and Mankind, by doing so little with my life..."


the man after spending his whole life creating inventions that nobody thought was possible in his time believed that he didnt do enough with the time he had on this earth


Traveller: "so he died with regreats?"


Gypse: "regreats? maybe so...nobody wants to leave anything unfinished do they?"


Traveler: "no they dont..."


Gypse: "have you left anything unfinished? do you have the desire to follow through with yourself untill the end?"


Traveler: "only time will tell"


Gypse: "yes of course you are right but...how much do you have?"


Traveler: "how much what? ...time?"


Gypse: "time waits for no man traveler and when your time comes will you be filled with such regreats?"


he sits there thinking


Gypse: "let us contine...your next card"


she turns over the next card to reveal the card of the Rebel



The Rebel/Doc Holiday


Gypse: "have you ever felt so strongly about something that no matter was going to happen you would go through with your urges anyways?"


traveler: "I wouldnt be here talking with you If I hadent..."


Gypse: "and where are you from traveler?"


traveler: "I dont even know anymore to be honest with you..."


gypse: "hmmm...."


traveler: "what does this have to do with this card?"


gypse: "everything! listen to me traveler and listen to me good....this story is about a man that despite everything could not escape his fate..."


after watching his mother deteriate and die right before his eyes...the man had developed a strong hatred for the disease that was now slowly killing him to...he decided that he would not die the same way his mother did weak and frail in a bed

if he was going to die it would be by his own doing the man became reliant on alcahol and became a card player...he was a character that crossed boundries and defied the odds that were against him...despite his handicap he lived life the way he wanted to...



people believed that his mother was the source of his disease and he soon found out thatpeople didn’t like being treated by a dentist who was coughing in their open mouths. Because of this, It caused him to pack up his dental supplies and give up his practice and leave his family to move west because of this he turned to gambling because it was more profitable.

and so he moved all over the west leaving a trail of blood and violence behind him...

He decided that it would be better if someone shot or stabbed him instead of dying on his back like his mother did...dying like that is what everybody expected from him...

because of his ways and his condition many people stayed away from the man the only company he would get was from fellow gamblers or local prostitutes in whatever town he was in but that changed when he met a certain man.








Holliday and the Earps found themselves in an intense firefight with cowboy gang at the O.K Corall leading to the cowboys deaths...

but the cowboys soon got there revenge and targated the earps killing and maining wyatt earps brothers





Unable to get justice through the courts, Wyatt Earp took matters into his own hands formally deputized his friend Doc Holliday and others and formed a federal posse to persue the outlaw cowboys and bring them to justice.

they found the cowboys and Holiday helped his friend find justice...soon after this his cosumption got the better of him and after weeks of slipping in and out of conciousness and being delerious for weeks he awoke and asked for a drink of whisky...


Doc Holiday: "Well I'll Be Damned...This is funny."


the man after going out of his way to die by the hands of others died in his bed with his boots off...he died the way that he fought so hard against...


Traveler: "thats kind of ironic"


gypse: "Ironic?...yes in a way but do you understand?"


Travelver: "understand? the man was a trouble casuer a drunkered"


Gyspe: "these thing he might of been but...he decided to denounce his own fate and rebel against it by living the way he wanted to and died anyways..."


man: .....


gypse: "so tell me traveler... willl you be so willing to go out of your way? to break away from what is expected of you? would you be willing to die so that you cna live life the way you want to?"


Travelver: "im not so sure... but in the end we all die... even if its not the way we expected to...nobody has the power to stop that"


gypse:" hmmm...I guess you're right but tell me do you believe in true power?"


travelver: "what do you mean by true power?"



The Ruler/Adolf Hitler


Gypse: "knoledge is power...and the person wiht knoledge being good or evil has to be the best of the best in anything that the one with the power competes in...do you understadn me?


travelver: "I think so...are you saying that the person with the most power...being good or evil must rule over everything else?


gypse: yes travelever very good...to have knoledge without power is useless and to have the power without having the knoledge can be easily...fixed


there was a man

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